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Saddlebreds a Hit at Horse-A-Rama


The 2014 Horse-a-Rama will be held May 2nd & 3rd at the Manitowoc County Expo center, 4921 Expo Dri., Manitowoc, WI 54220.  The is the 27th year for this wonderful educational event.

Past demonstrations and format:

The focus of the presentation was equitation. It was explained that equitation is the art of controlling the horse, while maintaining the proper body position.   Each equitation rider rode to wonderful music like Celebrate, Ride like the Wind and God Bless America.

First to perform was an academy rider and their horses show their love for their job and their love for the children that rode them. It was emphasized that the academy division creates an opportunity for the beginner riders to develop and fine tune their horsemanship skills as well as their sportsmanship. Both demonstrators rode walk/trot only. It was also explained that often times the academy riders do not own their own horses, and typically compete on a school or lesson horse.

Also demonstrated - Pleasure Equitation: Here it was explained that the horse and rider combination is essential. An overall picture of elegance and excitement is the goal. The rider needs to get the most out of their horse while still being able to perform patterns and workouts. The rider performed a four loop serpentine, showing three changes in diagonals and returning down the rail at a show trot. The horse wore a double bridle in the demonstration and a quick explanation of the bits was given to the audience.

Another exciting demonstration:   "Excitement could be felt in the audience as the next rider entered the ring on a five year old mare.  his mare is powerful and this kind of horse and rider combination is not easy to find. During this demonstration the equitation suit was explained. How the suit should fit well but not tight. The color should compliment your horse and should not be distracting from the overall picture. A solid color is a requirement. The rider performed a sandwich figure eight for the crowd. The audience learned that how a rider handles a mistake will also affect their placing in a class. In equitation we not only look for perfection but also look at how the rider handled a situation that didn’t go as well as they expected."

After the demonstrations everyone is invited back to the barn to meet the riders and horses. A special thanks to Ginger Schinktgen for organizing the Saddlebred part of this event.

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